Unlock your potential as a yoga instructor with the S-VYASA University Certified Online Yoga Instructors' Course (YIC). Aligned with the Yoga Certification Board of the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, this comprehensive course equips you with the knowledge and confidence to teach yoga holistically.
Program Overview
Online Recorded Video Lectures and Live Doubt Clarification Sessions on Weekdays.
Live Practise Sessions on Weekends.
Expert Led Guest Lectures
Additional Value Added Courses to
help you monetize your expertise.
Access to a network of 1000+ yoga centers
across the country
Expert and Experienced faculty - mentorship throughout the training.
Nationally and Internationally Valid Certificate.
Gain 12 Academic Bank of Credits , by
the Ministry of Education, India.
Be equipped to take the AYUSH YCB Exam
₹45,000 ₹25,000
Indians and SAARC

Crafted under the guidance of Dr. HR Nagendra Guruji The Yoga Instructor course, developed over 40 years, blends Swami Vivekananda's expanded fourfold yoga system—Jnana, Raja, Bhakti, and Karma Yoga. It emphasizes holistic living and includes teachings from Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramakrishna, and Sharada Ma.

25 +
Years since the
courses' inception
Leading Industry
Global Student
Course Syllabus - Practise
Block 1: Preparation for Postures
Loosen Yourself
Block 3: Prāṇāyāma & Kriyās
Breathing Exercises
Kriyās - Cleansing Techniques
Block 2: Yoga Postures
Standing Postures
Sitting Postures
Prone Postures
Supine Postures
Block 4: Meditation and Devotional Music
Cyclic Meditation
Devotional Music
Block 5: Teaching Techniques
The Eight-Stepped Method
Block 6: Karma Yoga Module
Course Syllabus - Theory
Block 1: Introduction to Yoga and its Streams
Concept of Yoga
Why Yoga?
Basis of Yoga
Block 2: Streams of Yoga
Jñāna Yoga
Raja Yoga
Bhakti Yoga
Karma Yoga
Unity in Diversity
Block 3: Indian Culture
Block 4: Life and Message of Spiritual Masters
Sri Ramakrishna
Ma Sharada Devi
Swami Vivekananda
Is there an age limit for enrolling in the course?Yes, Students have to be over the age of 18.
Will I receive support in starting my own yoga studio after certification?You will have access to a network of 1000+ yoga centers and additional value-added courses on running a successful yoga studio, which can be beneficial in starting your own yoga business.
What is the weekly schedule for the course?On weekdays, there are 2-hour recorded lectures that can be watched anytime during the day. On weekends, there are 3-hour live sessions.
Can I join the course if I am currently working or studying?Yes, the course is designed to be flexible with recorded lectures available for you to watch at your convenience and live sessions on weekends.
What are the components of the course curriculum?The curriculum includes breathing techniques, asanas, sat kriyas, pranayama, and meditation techniques. The course also includes value-added content on how to run a successful yoga studio, both online and offline , along with expert guest lectures.
Will recorded lectures be available for future reference?Yes, recorded lectures will be accessible for the entire duration of the course.
What is the validity of the certificate I will receive?The certification is accredited by S-VYASA University and DigiVYASA and is valid indefinitely, recognized Nationally and Internationally.
Do I need to have prior knowledge of yoga to join the course?Prior experience is recommended but not necessary - must have practiced basic asanas

"We designed this course to equip and empower the youth of the nation and now we are taking it world over through DigiVYASA.org "
- Padmashri Dr H R Nagendra Guruji
Chancellor S-VYASA University