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3 Yoga Breathing Techniques to Reduce Stress

Updated: 4 days ago

Breathing might be involuntary, but focused breathing can offer many benefits. These simple yoga breathing techniques to reduce stress offer powerful tools to manage stress and emotions, helping you find calm amidst life's challenges: Bhramari (Humming Bee's Breath)

Imagine the soothing hum of a bee. By making a gentle humming sound during exhalation, Bhramari stimulates the vagus nerve, triggering a calming response in your body. This technique helps you relax, reduce stress, and find inner peace, much like the peaceful sound of "Om." This is one of the best yoga breathing techniques for stress, making it an effective practice for stress-relief yoga breathing.

Sama Vritti (Equal/Square Breath)

This technique brings balance to your breath. You inhale slowly and evenly for a count of four, pause briefly, then exhale for another count of four. Holding your breath between inhales and exhales helps calm your mind and body. Sama Vritti reduces anxiety and promotes a peaceful, balanced state of being. Practise this can contribute significantly to yoga pranayama for stress and provide calming yoga breaths. Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

This practice brings balance to your energy channels. You alternate your breath between nostrils: inhale through the left, exhale through the right, then switch. This slow, intentional breathing increases mental clarity and relaxation. It's a powerful tool for managing stress and finding a centre when you feel overwhelmed. Nadi Shodhana is a core technique when it comes to yoga breathwork for relaxation and anti-stress yoga breathing.

These techniques support yoga for emotional balance, providing you with tools to stay centred and calm. Incorporating yoga breaths for calmness into your daily routine can help maintain a peaceful state of mind.

Incorporating these poses into your routine can effectively manage stress and help you stay calm. To deepen your practice and help others, consider joining S-VYASA University's community. This will help you earn a certification and learn better solutions to relieve your symptoms and improve your well-being under the guidance of expert instructors. To see a demonstration, check out our videos on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. To learn more about us, visit

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